Saturday, October 24, 2009

Augmented Reality

Hey check out this mini part of a story about augmented reality, it reminds me of the places near you app on the iphone but taken to the next level.

Engineering Project

I have recently been looking into a project that the engineering students are working on.
It is a proposal and project that will introduce a new and improved public transport system for Purdue to take the place of the bus system.

The specifics are still in creation but in essence the new transport will consist of anamatronic vehicles. They will be computer programed to drive themselves, a major aim is making them economically and environmentally friendly, they will most likely be powered by electricity.

I believe the Boilers may be able to revolutionize public transport!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Text To Speech

This week I have been looking into an emerging technology that is being designed right on our doorstep at Purdue.

The technology is called Text To Speech. S.I.G.A.I. , the artificial intelligence special interest group, is working on T2S this year as one of their main projects.
The aim of Text To Speech is basically yo take a professors speech, convert it into text and then save that text as a viewable document for students to view as class notes. This will greatly improve the efficiency of note taking, basically eliminating the need for the distraction of note taking during class.

S.I.G.A.I. is working on implementing Text To Speech in classrooms at Purdue, so be on the lookout for this technology in the new year!

Friday, October 9, 2009

I have recently been looking into the proposed new Xbox gaming console and its development which has been named Project Natal. Project Natal is an expansion of the Xbox 360, it will now include facial recognition technology and eliminate the need for controllers. It will combine webcam with social interaction facilities, motion sensors, and of course competitive live gaming online through Xbox Live.

"This is a pivotal moment that will carry with it a wave of change, the ripples of which will reach far beyond video games"



Spielberg is right in this statement, the possibilities for the use of this technology in online environments will bring the feeling of reality that much closer. They could perhaps even allow for a true virtual reality using physical movements?
I will be sure to monitor the developments of this technology and be eagerly awaiting its use in mainstream media and communications tools.
