Saturday, December 12, 2009

COM435 Poster Extravaganza

So I think that last Monday and Friday were possibly the most interesting sessions I have had at Purdue.

Seeing the work that everyone put into their posters was amazing and I feel enlightened!
If you would like to see the Tweets that I 'tweeted' about my classmates posters then click on this link to my Twitter

Some of the technologies were thought provoking, most commonly those that asked questions of the viewer.

The Square for the iPhone, which is basically a credit card swipe is mildly concerning to me when I think about what it might mean for enabling theft!

I had an opportunity to meet even more people in the class and have a fun and entertaining time with my intelligent peers!
It's sad that I don't really have anymore time left in the U.S.A to get to know everyone better!

Quantum Algorithm? I thought searching was fast enough!

Thoughtful Gaming

Now, we introduce to you, the ability to game using just your mind!!!

Emotiv Headsets

Cyber Forensics

Cyber forensics is an up and coming field which studies information systems and methodology in reconstructing data drives. The studies done in cyber forensics help law enforcement track down and charge cyber criminals, such as internet pedophiles. Many criminals will try and destroy or wipe their data from computers before being caught by the cops, but is that enough? In theory, the only for sure way to destroy a hard drive is to destroy it using thermite plasma, an extremely hot and corrosive liquid-like substance. Since thermite plasma is so expensive, other measures must be taken. For example, when the NSA(National Security Association) wishes to destroy a data drive, they write over the drive seven times, take the drive and drop it in a wood chipper, take those pieces and burn them, take the ashes and mix them with concrete and use it in the roads. Even then, they are not sure the data is destroyed, so two armed guards watch over the road until the cement dries. In theory, and in fact the NSA has done this many times, someone can reconstruct that data drive atom by atom using an electron microscope and recover all of the data. With this going on, how can anyone know they are safe?! The information age, however awesome, can be ridiculously scary.

Just a thought,
Jack Carroll

Thursday, December 10, 2009

John Arquilla: Go on the Cyberoffensive

John Arquilla: Go on the Cyberoffensive

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The Cyber Offensive

Hmm well it may seem a bit far off here are some extrapolations from WIRED magazine's smart list about the possibilities of the U.S.A going on a cyber offensive.

Perhaps technology is the way to solve the worlds issues but I believe it should not be researched in secret but made accessible to the public also.
It seems much research is commissioned by military or government institutions.

Makes me wonder about laws concerning availability of information and technology and when it is released for the public.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Augmented Reality

Since we have been speaking of augmented reality in class, here is a nice video from the Guardian Online.